Sarantabotano Tea - 40 Herbs with Cinnamon and Cloves
A secret from the mountains of Crete has been preserved from generation to generation and is now in your hands. Sarantabotano is a traditional recipe with forty pure ingredients that encapsulates the healing wisdom of nature and the primordial power of the earth to soothe body and spirit.
Sarantabotano is a traditional recipe with forty pure ingredients, which includes the curable wisdom of nature and the primitive earth’s power inside in order to have peace in body and mind.
Sarantabotano is an enterprising initiative of Nektaria Kokkinaki, a traditional TV chef of Crete. Since a very young age, Nektaria has grown up in grandmothers’ kitchens, as a result to gather recipes from the old Cretan countryside and bring them to today’s screen. She has collected more than a thousand recipes, and she shares them online with people who follow her.
It is ideal for hot beverage and skin wash while its flavour is perfect for cold beverage, only if it has boiled first.
Enjoy a delicious cup of tea with some Greek honey, They can also be enjoyed cold as long as it has been boiled first.
Ingredients: 40 herbs with Cinnamon and Cloves
- Αγριοκαλάμη / Elymus repens
Αγριοτσίαι / Agrimonia Eupatoria
Αμαμελίδα / Amamelis
Τσουκνίδα / Teucrium
Αρμπαρόριζα / Arbaroriza
Αχίλλεια άνθη / Achillea άνθη
Αρτεμισία / Artemisia arborescens
Βασιλικός / Basil
Βάτος / Vatos
Κάλαθος γάλακτος / Milk thistle Ικατ
Ιασμίνι φύλλα / Jasmine φύλλα
Δάφνη / Laurel
Δεντρολίβανο / Rosemary
Δυόσμος / Spearmint
Δίκταμνο / Dittany
Ιππουρίσκος / Equiseto
Θύμος / Thyme
Θρυμμάρι / Savory
Καλέντουλα / Calendula
- Κισσός φύλλα / Hedera φύλλα
- Κράταιγος / Crataegus
- Ρόζ αγριοκύμινο / Pink rock rose
- Λεβάντα / Lavender
- Μαϊντανός / Parsley
- Μαργαρίτα / Marjoram
- Λεμονόχορτο / Lemon balm
- Δίαιτα / Mint
- Βετούλα / Betula
- Πασιφλόρα / Μαύρορ
- Πεντανευρό / Pentaneuro
- Πορτοκάλι / Orange
- Ροζ πέταλα τριαντάφυλλου / Pink roses Petals
- Σέλινο / Celery
- Αγριοκυνήγι / Perforate St John's-wort
- Τραγοσκληρό / Dandelion
- Βουνό τσάι / Mountain tea
- Φασκόμηλο / Sage
- Κυπρίδα / Mentha pulegium
- Χαμομήλι / Chamomile
Size 30g